How to Jailbreak Your iPhone With QuickPWN
Jailbreaking is the process of gaining root access to an iOS device and opening up its functionality in ways that aren't normally possible. This allows users to install third-party applications, customize the look and feel of the operating system, and access a variety of files that Apple typically keeps out of the public eye.
QuickPWN is a tool that's released by the iPhone Dev Team that enables jailbreaking of different iPhone and iPod Touch models, including the original and 3G models. This tool also lets you install Cydia, which is the app store for jailbroken apps.
How to jailbreak your iPhone with QuickPWN
The first step is to create a new folder on your desktop called "QuickPwn." Download a copy of your firmware from this link and place it in the quickpwn folder. Next, launch QuickPWN and select the firmware you just downloaded. If it's valid, it will display a green checkmark and prompt you to select whether or not you want to install Cydia, Installer, and custom boot logos.
Once you've selected these options, click the blue arrow button to continue. It will then ask you to ensure that your iPhone is connected via USB.
Once you've done that, it will automatically recognize your device and show a green checkmark to indicate that it's running successfully. Then, it'll give you the option to install Cydia and Installer (both preselected) and if you'd like to replace your default Apple boot logo with QuickPWN's "Pineapple" logo, you can select that as well.